
The Dreamstime photo stock is one of the oldest in the stock industry. It appeared second after iStock. The site itself appeared in 2000 as a resource for stock photography. In 2004, Serban Enache and Dragos Jianu created the Dreamstime photo stock based on this site in Brentwood, USA. Later, a European office appeared in Bucharest, Romania. For a long time, Dreamstime was one of the main players in the microstock market, on a par with iStockphoto, Fotolia, and Shutter. Now it has slightly lost its position and is behind Shutter and Ice, representing a confident middle player in the image market.

The site interface supports most major languages, including Russian. As of mid-2012, Dreamstime database had approximately 15,000,000 images and nearly 5 million users. By that time, Dreamstime had about 140,000 authors. According to statistics, for most stockers, Dreamstime ranks 3rd-4th in income levels compared to other photo stocks.

Buyers can purchase images on Dreamstime either individually for credits or by subscription. The cost of a credit varies depending on the volume of their purchase. If you take a package of 25 credits, one credit will cost you $1. If they are not spent within a year, they can be canceled. The cost of images ranges from $1 to $300 depending on the type and size, as well as the type of license. Also, the price depends on the popularity of the image, which is determined by the number of its purchases. By the way, here you can buy photos for editorial use. There is also a section of free images.

Becoming a Dreamstime author is quite simple. No exam is required to start working. Also, no need to upload scans of documents. Register and you can start working. The technical requirements for the quality of uploaded works are quite reasonable. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to start working with stocks. Unlike other stocks, Dreamstime, in addition to regular raster images, also allows uploading RAW files for sale. Royalties for authors are calculated using a rather complex scheme. Each image gives a different type of royalty ranging from 30% to 50%, depending on the sales level of the work. That is, the more often the image is sold, the higher the royalties will be. For exclusives, the royalty level is significantly higher. To order a payment, you need to accumulate a minimum of $100 in your account. They have a silly limit on the number of files uploaded in one day.

Find everything else in the articles of this section. In the meantime, you should register on Dreamstime:

Dreamstime Photo Stock

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