Everyone who has already started working with stock photo banks and achieved a certain volume of work faces the question of how to speed up the process of uploading and attributing images to stock photo banks. This question becomes particularly relevant when you work with a large number of stock photo banks simultaneously.
If you have decided to buy a photo from a stock bank, you will definitely encounter the need to pay for the photo (illustration) or illustration at the stock bank, along with a decent variety of payment options available.
Today, I would like to continue the previously started topic the pros/cons of purchasing images from stock photo agencies and discuss the existing sales models for images, making it easier for buyers to choose the right microstock for their needs.
Undoubtedly, most designers encounter a lack or even an absence of quality materials (photos and illustrations) in their work. About ten to fifteen years ago, this was nearly an insurmountable problem.
First, let’s clarify what a model release or Model Release is.
Today, I want to introduce everyone who hasn’t heard of him yet, Yuri Arcurs. The Dane Yuri Arcurs (Yuri Arcurs or Logos) is perhaps one of the most well-known figures in the world of stock photography and microstock.