IPTC for Speeding Up Work on Stock Photo Banks


Everyone who has already started working with stock photo banks and achieved a certain volume of work faces the question of how to speed up the process of uploading and attributing images to stock photo banks. This question becomes particularly relevant when you work with a large number of stock photo banks simultaneously.

Best Payment Methods for Stock Photos


When purchasing a photo or illustration from a stock photo site, you’ll encounter various payment options.

Choosing the Stock Photo Website for Shopping


Today, I’d like to continue discussing the pros and cons of purchasing images from stock photo agencies, as well as explore the different sales models that can help buyers choose the right microstock for their needs.

Pros and Cons of Stock Images


Many designers often face a shortage of quality photos and illustrations in their work. A decade or so ago, this was a significant challenge.

How to Fill Out a Model Release


First, let’s define what a Model Release form is.

Echo of Moscow: “Photobanks: Easy Money or Backbreaking Work for a Microstocker” (conclusion)


Echo of Moscow broadcast on Photo Banks for work and incomeThe continuation and conclusion of the broadcast on “Photo Banks: Easy Money or Grueling Work for Microstock Photographers” conducted by the “Echo of Moscow” radio station. You can read the beginning by following the link to part 1.