From time to time, rather intriguing articles appear on various stock photo sites that, with the right approach, can help increase sales volume and boost your earnings on stock photo sites. If you are proficient in English, you can easily browse through a wealth of helpful articles available on microstocks. But if not, feel free to visit my blog and read articles about stock photo sites in translation.
For those who are just starting their work on the photo bank Dreamstime, I remind you that Dreamstime has introduced a strict regulation on the use of the keyword “vector” when describing works.
At a certain stage of working with microstock agencies, every microstock contributor faces the question: “How and where to withdraw money from microstocks?” This is a very reasonable question, especially for contributors from the CIS. Most microstock agencies offer options for transferring earned money to accounts in payment systems like PayPal and Moneybookers.
completion of the article on ways to boost sales on stock photo sites from March 22
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Newcomers to stock photography might be surprised to see this section’s title. Here’s the reasoning: some stock sites have free sections where you can either directly upload or submit your photos and illustrations for free distribution. Why is this helpful?
Have you noticed that at a certain stage in working with stock photo sites, there comes a point when you keep adding new works, but the number of sales stays about the same? For example, you have 2,000-2,100 sales on a stock site per month, and it just won’t go any higher. It’s clear that with persistence and consistently adding new works over time (2-3 months), a jump is possible. However, many microstockers, upon reaching a high level, find themselves stuck at this plateau, struggling to move to the next level and achieve another BME (Best Month Ever).
After I started working with stock agencies and monitoring my sales, I began to wonder, “How can I increase my sales volume on stock agencies?” All microstockers surely ponder similar thoughts at some point.