What is sold on stock in October?


To help you plan your upcoming shoots, the Shutterstock team has prepared a list of the most popular search queries from stock bank buyers for the next couple of months (with a focus on October).

About Vectors and Vector Graphics for Beginners


If you are a beginner in vector graphics and you are not a professional designer with an amazing knowledge of Illustrator, you may feel quite scared. Don’t be. Vectors, like sharks, are just misunderstood creatures.

What to shoot for stock in September?


We are always looking for the most relevant and up-to-date content that matches our customers’ needs. This means that we listen to customer feedback and pass it on to our creators. Now it’s even easier to access the list of queries for creators.

Top Stock Trends for Fall-Winter


What wish would a microstock photographer make for the upcoming Christmas? I suppose all one needs is a regular crystal ball of the fortune teller. After all, if we knew exactly what buyers

Term Isolated in microstock language


I am not the biggest fan of isolations, but thanks to my three years of experience as a buyer and author, I am qualified enough to write about them. So…

What to Shoot for Stock in August


To help you plan your next shoot, here is a list of content that stock buyers will be looking for in August, according to Shutterstock’s analytics service.