IPTC for Speeding Up Work on Stock Photo Banks


Everyone who has already started working with stock photo banks and achieved a certain volume of work faces the question of how to speed up the process of uploading and attributing images to stock photo banks. This question becomes particularly relevant when you work with a large number of stock photo banks simultaneously. One option to reduce the time it takes to upload photographs and vector illustrations to stock photo banks for sale is to use IPTC information when saving the image file. It’s clear that if you earn as an exclusive author at a particular stock photo bank, the issue of optimizing time is probably not as critical for you. However, using IPTC data in the image file allows the author to significantly reduce precious time costs.

IPTC information for a photograph or illustration

For many beginner authors of stock photo banks, the term IPTC may sound unclear. Essentially, IPTC data refers to information that is added to a photograph or illustration and can be extracted from it using special software.

Almost all modern cameras already have the functionality to insert IPTC data into the image file. Typically, cameras save information about the brand and model of the camera, as well as information about the photograph in the image file. However, it is quite clear that photographic equipment is not yet functional enough to attribute a photograph by assigning it a title, keywords, and a description on its own. The situation with vector illustrations is similar, as graphic editors also do not attribute illustrations automatically. However, at the final saving of a photograph or vector, you will be able to specify everything required in the IPTC data of the file.

Almost all the best stock photo banks on the internet read IPTC data from the image file correctly and automatically fill this information into the appropriate fields for keywords, descriptions, and image titles. You would agree that this will make the process much easier and faster.

To add IPTC information to your photographs and illustrations, you can use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Apple iPhoto, XnView, or any graphic editor with the capability to edit images and add IPTC information for further saving. For example, to add IPTC information to a photograph or illustration using Adobe graphic editors, simply open the image file, go to the File menu, and then click on File Info…. In this window, you can enter all the required information: Name, Keywords, Description. After that, save the edited file.

Yes, if you haven’t yet understood how this can help you, let me clarify. For example, when you upload photographs and illustrations to 5-10 stock photo banks simultaneously, using IPTC data in your images allows you to reduce the need for duplicating required data (Name – title of the photograph or illustration, Keywords – keywords, Description – description) to just once. It’s clear that you will still need to manually select categories for your image, but it will still be much easier than it would be without using IPTC information in your images.

By the way, using IPTC information is also very helpful when a new stock photo bank starts up and you decide to upload all your existing portfolio of images to it. Imagine having to describe 2000-3000 photographs and illustrations! Instead, you can just upload, assign categories, and then enjoy hearing the sound of coins from purchases of the photographs and illustrations you’ve uploaded to the stocks!

One option to reduce the time it takes to upload photographs and vector illustrations to stock photo banks for sale is using IPTC information when saving the image file. Using IPTC data in the image file allows the author to significantly reduce time costs.

This article is available in the following categories: About Microstocks, 123RF, Depositphotos, Dreamstime, Fotolia, Istockphoto, Shutterstock

Comments (5)

Olya, thanks!
Thinking about stocks…
But… I love “life,” and they need “gloss.”…

Well, nobody’s gonna buy “life” there, everyone’s got enough of it already 🙂

Thanks a lot!

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