How to Photograph Overweight Individuals?


Every person who has ever offered photography services eventually encounters the necessity of photographing overweight individuals. Unlike architectural monuments and natural landscapes, a person is a complex subject to photograph, and the challenge increases the further their parameters deviate from the classic Barbie doll proportions.

Full-figured individuals who were born and raised in our society, which exclusively embraces classical thin and delicate beauty, often view their appearance with great sensitivity and criticism. Therefore, the primary task of the photographer in this case is to find angles and poses that emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of their appearance while hiding any “problem areas”.

Every body is beautiful in its own way, so the photographer must first identify that special feature of the body and face of the specific individual, viewing them with admiring, loving eyes.

To discover the extraordinary beauty in the appearance of an ordinary person, establishing an emotional connection is crucial. Discuss the goals of the photoshoot, expectations regarding its results, and simply “life” in general.

It will also be helpful to gently explain to the model that you do not intend to hide her fullness or any other features she considers “unattractive”. Explain that you will instead emphasize what makes her beautiful and unique: the lovely shape of her eyes, her full lips, or the charm of her rounded shoulders.

Only good rapport with the model, her complete trust, and ease will make the photoshoot truly fruitful and effective.

When photographing full-figured individuals, it is also essential to consider clothing carefully. To visually “lighten” the figure, light-colored clothing against a light background works best; however, dark and cool-toned outfits can also be effective.

Certain body types look great in vertical stripes, which visually elongate the silhouette. Similarly, a long scarf can achieve the same effect.

Try to avoid white, loud colors, and large prints, as these add heaviness to the image, distracting from the model’s natural beauty.

The angle is extremely important: for instance, all photographers at events know that full models should not be photographed straight on or in full profile.

The ideal position for a full model is “three-quarters” or semi-profile. The model’s shoulders should be back, posture regal, and stomach pulled in.

To impart grace and charm to the figure, ask the model to stretch a bit upward, lift her chin, slightly push her chest forward, and pull her shoulders back. However, the main secret remains ease — tense poses will not enhance either the photoshoot or its results.

Therefore, establishing contact with the model and creating a relaxed atmosphere in the studio should always be prioritized.

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